D-B-E Unfiltered, D-B-E Diverse Business Elite Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and community stakeholders who contribute to making a difference, talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they’re thinking about in the sometimes controversial world of diversity, inclusion and race relations.
Monday Sep 11, 2017
Monday Sep 11, 2017
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity, inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talk to Edie Fraser About her Equal Rights Journey to the Future of Technology.
Edie Fraser grew up in Atlanta, GA in the 50s. It was a time when women and minorities were repressed from basic rights. She felt a sense of comradery during the civil rights movement and witnessing discrimination led her to focus on diversity. In high school, she decided that she wanted to lead, and drive the advancement of equality. She shares her journey with DyNAMC.
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity, inclusion and race relations. In this episode we spoke with Vivian Rodriguez who reveals her mission in life and how she helped improve LGBT relations in the New York Police Force.
A career law enforcement officer, Vivian Rodriguez is a native New Yorker who served for 21 years on the NYPD in riot training, the narcotics division and doing undercover work. But she's also a passionate and committed advocate for LGBT rights and shares her journey with DyNAMC.
Monday Oct 03, 2016
Monday Oct 03, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity,inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talked with Veteran Sgt.Jasmine Jacobs about her experience serving in the Army National Guard and her fight to change military hair regulations.
Hailing from a military family and raised in Snellville, Georgia, Jasmine Jacobs tells DyNAMC that both her and her brother were actually her father’s first recruits to the military.The Atlanta native and seven year veteran of the Army National Guard explains that though she grew up in predominantly middle class white neighborhoods, she believes diversity is crucial to the success of any organization, especially when it serves a diverse populace.
Tuesday Sep 13, 2016
Tuesday Sep 13, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity, inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talk with NAMCO member Ashia Simpson President of Zaya Marketing a Atlanta based company founded in 2014. There are many struggles of being a small business owner, but Ashia Simpson has managed to out-maneuver these difficulties and rise to success. She tells DyNAMC about her journey.
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity, inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talk with Daryl Joy Walters who has accomplished a lot in her young life.
She has obtained a degree in religion and philosophy, worked on political campaigns in a variety of capacities and stays active with her church and politics while studying for a master’s in theology. Walters considers her greatest accomplishment to be her decision to return to Louisiana after college and work at her parents’ trucking and catering business. “A lot of the skills I learned from them have been helpful when I work with other people,” she shares.
Monday Aug 15, 2016
Monday Aug 15, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity,inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talked with Veteran SSG Kiaveth Vasquez on being a mother in the military.
As a wife and mother serving in the military, even in light of leveraging differences to achieve greatness, there are some disadvantages. Vasquez shares her story with DyNAMC.
Interview conducted by Shar-Lee Davis.
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity,inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talk to Chief Learning Officer, Dr. Vicki Brown about the rewarding experiences she’s had a top leader in the Department of Defense.
The Department of Defense has historically been a predominantly male environment including hierarchy. However, with policies implemented to foster diversity and inclusion, we have seen positive changes to this atmosphere over the years. DyNAMC speaks with Dr. Vicki Brown about what it is like to be a female in a one of the key leadership roles in the department and how the programs she implements fuel progress.
Interview conducted by Shar-Lee Davis.
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity,inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talk to Special Olympian,Loretta Claiborne, about how sports helped her to rise above her intellectual disability.
You may have been inspired by the movie, “The Loretta Claiborne Story,” which told about a disadvantaged, disabled young girl who realizes success in life through competing in the Special Olympics.
DyNAMC listeners get an update on where Loretta Claiborne is now and how she still hasn’t allowed intellectual disability define who she is.
Narrated by Shar-Lee Davis.
Tuesday Jul 05, 2016
Tuesday Jul 05, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity,inclusion and race relations. In this episode we talk to Siera Santos who is making a name for herself as a sports reporter with CSN Chicago, while mentoring young Latinos who want to follow in her footsteps.
Siera Santos has embraced the challenge of needing to beat the top of her game. She tells DyNAMC about her journey into sports broadcasting and her desire to pay it forward to young Latinos and others pursuing a career in sports broadcasting.
Monday Jun 27, 2016
Monday Jun 27, 2016
DyNAMC Diversity Unfiltered - DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World Magazines’ premier podcast. We bring you the voices of today’s renowned societal leaders and average folks talking about what they do, how they got there, and what they're thinking about in the controversial world of diversity,inclusion and race relations.
In this episode we talk to DyNAMC's Board Members.
DyNAMC magazine is as proud of its board members as it is proud of the leaders of diversity that are featured to inspire, motivate and educate.
In selecting members of the Advisory Board, it is of the utmost importance to elect those who are committed to DyNAMC’s mission and are willing to ensure the continued growth and success of award winning DyNAMC Leaders for a Changing World magazine.
DyNAMC believes its message has never been more important than it is today.
The opportunity to be a part of a ground breaking international publication whose editorial mission is to advocate, support and promote under-served, historically under-represented small diverse businesses for fair opportunities and a voice within the workforce, marketplace, and supply chains of our world’s leading corporations, educational institutions,banking institutions and a platform to be seen and heard by our world’s leaders and policy makers is not taken lightly.
Listen up to why some DyNAMC's Board Members feel diversity is so important, why they are proud to be a DyNAMC board member, what is unique about DyNAMC and why readers should subscribe.
from left Patrick Paschall, Douglas Phason, Eugene Agee, Pastor Dallas Wilson, Andrew Di Antonio, James Lewis, Pastor Theola Campbell, Joseph Krulder